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    Beyond the Expanse

    Post #: 226
    Post type: Blog post
    Date: 2014-09-01 10:25:10.000
    Author: Jeremy Reimer
    Tags: My Science Fiction

    Over twelve years ago I had a dream. I had all these ideas bubbling up inside of me from a lifetime of reading and watching science fiction, and I wanted to make them come alive in some form. I dreamed of writing an epic trilogy that would follow the adventures of heroic space pilots fighting an evil alien enemy.

    Today, at long last, that dream has been fulfilled.

    Beyond the Expanse is the final installment of the Masters trilogy. It is now available on Lulu.

    While the novels are, at their heart, fun and escapist sci-fi entertainment, there are deeper themes than simply the good guys winning over the bad guys. The characters struggle against their own fears and weaknesses, and they take time to think about the ramifications of their actions. The enemy aliens (while definitely evil!) have problems of their own, and some of them rail helplessly against what their once-proud society has become.

    Ultimately, the trilogy is about the triumph of hope over fear. It is about how very different people can overcome their mutual mistrust and learn to work together for the betterment of everyone. And it is about how even the smallest people can make a real difference in the universe, simply from the choices that they make.

    I hope you enjoy the book.

    Views: 6645

    Gone Home: a video game that changes what it means to be a video game

    Post #: 225
    Post type: Blog post
    Date: 2014-06-24 12:07:59.000
    Author: Jeremy Reimer
    Tags: Gaming, Writing

    Gone Home got a lot of positive press when it was released last August, but many people bristled at the idea of paying $20 for what was ultimately a very short, if innovative, gaming experience. Yesterday I picked it up on a Steam Sale for $2.99 and enjoyed every minute of it. While I finished the game in a single evening, I found myself still thinking about it the next day, and I suspect I will continue to mull it over for some time to come. There is depth in this game, and artistry. The developers clearly had something to say, and they communicated their message in a new and unique way.

    The game begins in June 1995. You are a female protagonist, Kaitlin Greenbriar, returning home after a year-long trip to Europe. When you get home, there is a note on the door from your younger sister, Sam, saying that she was sorry she couldn’t meet you. Your parents are nowhere to be seen. The combination of an empty house, flickering lights, and a howling storm outside creates a spooky atmosphere. As you move through the house you are tempted to turn on every possible light and leave them on. There are no other people to interact with in Gone Home, but a story is told through voice-overs from your sister Sam that trigger when you examine certain objects. Whether these are simply letters that Sam wrote or tapes she recorded isn’t entirely clear, but they serve as the backbone of the story. In addition to these voice-overs, there are tons of little clues strewn throughout the house: letters, invoices, detention slips, and so forth. Many objects can be picked up, examined, and even moved around the house, but only a few have significant meaning. I found myself picking up pens from drawers and leaving them on top of tables, just for fun.

    As you proceed through the house you end up unlocking new sections and learning more about your sister and your parents. Your father once wrote a couple of science-fiction books involving time travel and the assassination of JFK, but fell out of favor with his publisher and ended up doing contract work writing reviews for a consumer electronics magazine. As an aspiring novelist who pays the bills as a technical writer, this resonated with me. Sam is also an aspiring writer, as you discover when you find ever-evolving stories from various point in her childhood. You also learn about Sam’s growing and complex relationship with her friend Lonnie, which becomes the driving point of the narrative.

    The puzzles in Gone Home are fairly easy to solve. This isn’t like the adventure games of old where you had to find the blob of guacamole and attach it to the rubber chicken with the pulley in it, just so you could get past the annoying clown. Instead, the game rewards slow, thoughtful exploration. There are tons of objects to find in each room that give more background information about your parents and even the original owner of the spooky home. It turns out that the family had just moved into the house (packing boxes are visible everywhere) while your character was on vacation, so it makes perfect narrative sense that your character would be exploring the house for the first time. This brilliant move puts you and your character on the same footing, making the experience even more immersive.

    The choice of 1995 as the time frame for the game was a deliberate one by the designers, as that was the last year before information technology became ubiquitous in family life. This also makes the game a great nostalgia trip for finding all the trappings of mid-90’s life that have since vanished: tape cassettes and recorders, VHS tapes and VCRs, Super Nintendo, and answering machines.

    I loved every moment of Gone Home. Although the flash sale is over, it’s still only $4.99 from the Steam Store, and it runs on Windows, Mac OSX, and Linux, so there’s no excuse for you not to play it!

    Views: 6807

    Edge of Tomorrow: A great science fiction movie and a better video game movie

    Post #: 224
    Post type: Blog post
    Date: 2014-06-16 13:20:14.000
    Author: Jeremy Reimer
    Tags: Movies

    I love science fiction in all of its forms: books, movies and TV, and video games. I grew up reading Asimov and Clarke, loved 2001 and Star Trek, and spent far too much time playing Space Invaders and Asteroids. In the decades since, each form of media has influenced the others: first awkwardly (like the CD-ROM "interactive movies" of the 1990s and the painful video game movies like Super Mario Bros) and then later more cleverly and subtly.

    Edge of Tomorrow feels like a movie that is so well-executed, with all three mediums blended together so seamlessly, that it may be the perfect science fiction film for our age.

    The movie stars Tom Cruise as Major William Cage, a "media relations" officer who wants desperately to avoid actual combat. Unfortunately for him, the world’s military is preparing for an invasion of France in order to push back alien "Mimics" who have overrun Europe. The surly General Brigham (Brendan Gleeson) doesn’t much like Cage’s type of officer, and railroads him so that he ends up at Heathrow airport, assigned to a squad that is getting ready to land on the beach with the first attack wave.

    Although the attack was meant to be a surprise, the Mimics are ready for them and the soldiers come under heavy fire. Cage, who has has no combat training, is unable to even take the safety off of his powered battle suit. He and the rest of the misfits who make up "J Squad" are overwhelmed by Mimics and quickly killed. Cage manages to take an unusually large blue Mimic with him by exploding a mine, and dies with the alien’s blood on his face.

    He wakes up at Heathrow airport again, seemingly transported a day back in the past, although he remembers everything that has happened. He is unable to avoid his fate, however, and ends up shipping out again and getting killed again, albeit in a slightly different way. At this point the movie starts turning into a much grittier version of Groundhog Day, with Cruise taking on Bill Murray’s task of trying to figure out a way to escape his predicament. In one of his loops he runs into Sergeant Rita Vrataski (Emily Blunt), a military heroine who had led her troops to humanity’s only significant victory against the Mimics in Verdun. Before they both get killed, she tells him to seek her out when he wakes up.

    The rest of the movie involves the two soldiers trying to work together to figure out why Cage is time-looping and how they can use that information to fight the Mimics. Because of the military and science-fiction theme, the repeating day mechanic starts feeling less like Groundhog Day and more like the feeling of playing a difficult video game where you have to respawn at the beginning of the level. Director Doug Liman said in an interview that the parallel was intentional, explaining that the movie is just the latest in a series of video game-inspired films he has directed, starting with The Bourne Identity.

    Edge of Tomorrow is based on the Japanese young-adult novella All You Need Is Kill. The film keeps most of the character and plot elements, although it transfers the setting from Japan to England and France. It’s a solid science fiction flick with everything you might want: aliens, time-travel, and futuristic soldiers walking around in advanced battle armor. Despite the fantastical elements (such as time travel) it remains science fiction because it attempts to explain these effects through scientific principles and not supernatural intervention. The writing is crisp and the actors (particulary Emily Blunt) are believable and human.

    I saw the movie yesterday with my wife, father-in-law, and brother-in-law. It was the perfect Father’s Day activity and everyone enjoyed it. Definitely worth seeing.

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    Views: 8837

    Writing when you’re too tired to write

    Post #: 223
    Post type: Blog post
    Date: 2014-03-31 21:40:24.000
    Author: Jeremy Reimer
    Tags: Writing, Work

    That side panel on the left of my blog continues to taunt me. Beyond the Expanse! 100% Complete! Now in Editing!

    It’s been in editing for months. I think I’ve edited about five pages so far.

    My excuse is that I’m tired from my job. Working at DemonWare has been a thrilling roller-coaster ride so far. I’ve never had the pleasure of working alongside so many smart people. There’s an endless amount of interesting technical things to learn, and an endless amount of things to write. This is a company that has grown explosively over the last few years and they desperately need someone to tame the mess of information that they’ve created.

    So desperate that they’ve renewed my contract for another six months.

    I’m thrilled, naturally, but a part of me wonders if that damn sidebar on the left hand side of my blog is going to have to sit idle even longer.

    Up until now I’ve felt that all I could do was come home from work, eat dinner, maybe watch a bit of TV, and then collapse into bed. It’s an easy excuse. This is a demanding job at a company that demands top performers and gives them top salaries and benefits to match. With these demands, surely I need to conserve my mental energy to be able to give my best work, right?

    And yet I wonder.

    Every day I come home and I don’t work on my personal projects, I feel like I lose something of myself. And if I keep losing myself, won’t that just lead to a diminished soul, and thus a diminished work performance?

    So I’m trying something new. Every day, for as long as I can keep it up, I’m going to do something creative for myself. It could be writing, it could be editing, it could be anything. Today is the first day, and I’m writing this blog post. It’s not much. But it’s something.

    There are a lot of excuses for not working on your dreams. But not very many good ones.

    I’ll see you tomorrow.

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    Views: 7455

    Knotty Geeks Episode 34 - The Last Coffeewa

    Post #: 222
    Post type: Podcast
    Date: 2014-02-02 21:00:43.000
    Author: Jeremy Reimer
    Tags: Knotty Geeks

    More coffee is always better, right?

    It’s a new year, and Jeremy and Terry have a lot to catch up on! Jeremy has a new job, which is very exciting, and even includes free food! Then the disussion turns towards Jeremy’s new NaNoWriMo novel, "The Last Bonjwa". While consuming vast quantities of coffee, Jeremy and Terry discuss everything from fixing plot holes to improving the cover.

    Links from the show:

    <li>Onomatopoeia at The Free dictionary</li>
    <li>My new company, Demonware!</li>
    <li>Renderosity - for commercial 3D models</li>
    <li>New laser printed material, lighter than water, strong as steel</li>
    <li>Bonus: Automation at XKCD</li>

    uploads/Knotty_Geeks_Episode_34.mp3" />
    Knotty_Geeks_Episode_34.mp3" width="290" height="24" />

    Views: 7463

    The Last Bonjwa - My love letter to Starcraft

    Post #: 221
    Post type: Blog post
    Date: 2013-12-27 09:11:30.000
    Author: Jeremy Reimer
    Tags: Writing, Science Fiction

    I’ve watched hundreds of hours of professional Starcraft matches. I have my favorite players and teams who I cheered for when they won and cried when they lost. I’ve immersed myself in the unique and wonderful world of professional gaming, of this tiny (but growing) subculture called eSports.

    Today, I’m releasing my love letter to the game and the scene itself. It’s a full-length novel titled The Last Bonjwa.

    The Last Bonjwa follows the adventures of John "Heart" Wolanski, a professional Starcraft player living in Korea. It’s a few years in the future in an alternate timeline, so the names of players and teams are different, but fans of the scene will recognize many similarities to our own universe.

    John is nearing the twilight of his career, and the popularity of the game itself is waning, but he refuses to go down without a fight. But when he receives a threatening email, he is suddenly thrown into a world he knows nothing about, as he must fight shadowy forces who are out to kill him, all while trying to qualify for the biggest tournament of his life.

    The Last Bonjwa is a fast-paced action adventure, but it’s also a peek into the fascinating world of eSports seen through the eyes of a player. It is a sequel to my short story "The Stalker", in which John encountered an artificial intelligence inside the game itself.

    The Last Bonjwa is now available on Smashwords in a variety of eBook formats for all viewers, all DRM-free, for $2.99. No knowledge of the game is required to enjoy the story, but familiarity with it will make the tale seem even richer.

    Views: 7799

    I’ve started a new job!

    Post #: 220
    Post type: Blog post
    Date: 2013-12-02 17:22:46.000
    Author: Jeremy Reimer
    Tags: Work

    Today was my first day at Demonware, a really amazingly cool software company based in Vancouver and Dublin. Demonware writes software that handles matchmaking, leaderboards, and other online services for video game companies, primarily Activision/Blizzard.

    My job is a technical writer. It’s a contract position, but hopefully (crosses fingers) it will lead to a full-time gig.

    What’s really neat about the company is all the cool tools they use. They will grab any tool if it’s the right one for the job. Just look at the list:

    It’s also a really nice place to work. Lots of interesting and smart people work here. There are lot of them to meet. :) There is a ton of interesting work to do from a technical writing perspective-- tons of complex and powerful systems that could use more documentation. Anyway, I had a great first day on the job.

    Comments (15)

    Views: 13348

    Half an Operating System - the triumph and tragedy of OS/2

    Post #: 219
    Post type: Blog post
    Date: 2013-11-25 10:47:19.000
    Author: Jeremy Reimer
    Tags: Computers, Operating Systems

    Writing is a funny thing.

    As a young nerd, I was fascinated by personal computers and operating systems, and became a huge advocate of a funny operating system called OS/2. I spent a lot of time arguing about its merits on Usenet forums like comp.os.os2.advocacy. I moved on to Windows 95 when it was released, but always had a soft spot in my heart for IBM’s failed OS.

    Twenty years later, I felt like the need to tell the story was welling up inside me until I was about to burst. I wrote the entire first draft in two days. Today, the article has been published on Ars Technica.

    So did I take 20 years to write it, or two days? I guess it depends on your point of view. But I’m glad I wrote it.

    Views: 8058

    Knotty Geeks Episode 33 - To the Moon Part IV: Finalizing the Scenes

    Post #: 218
    Post type: Podcast
    Date: 2013-11-12 10:22:24.000
    Author: Jeremy Reimer
    Tags: Knotty Geeks

    It’s time to get down and dirty with plot outlining! In this episode, we take the outline we made for the first episode of the serial To the Moon and pick it apart scene by scene, finding flaws and discovering deeper character motivations.

    uploads/Knotty_Geeks_Episode_33.mp3" />
    Knotty_Geeks_Episode_33.mp3" width="290" height="24" />

    Notes from the show:

    Here's the outline we started with:

    1. Rich brings coffee to his co-workers at his company, Judd tells him he should be coding and let the secretary get the coffee
    2. Rich goes out to dinner with his ‘friend with benefits’ (let’s call her Melissa) talks about work and his dreams
    3. Rich talks to Judd about doing a Kickstarter for Lunar X-Prize, Judd has to be convinced
    4. Rich sets up the Kickstarter
    5. Waiting for the Kickstarter to see if it succeeds
    6. Success, and now panic, how are they going to do this?
    7. Rich tries to find a launch platform
    8. Judd phones him up saying he has a platform
    9. Rich finds out that Judd has defected to a rival X-Prize group
    10. Rich decides to launch his own anyway, without Judd’s help
    11. Rich finds a former Russian weapon launcher that will work for cheap
    12. Both Rich and Judd’s efforts launch and land on the moon
    13. Judd’s works, Rich’s robot appears to not work, but when he is packing everything up he finds a signal

    This is the outline that we ended up with:

    1. Rich brings coffee to his co-workers at his company, 7 people Judd tells him he should be coding and let the secretary get the coffee robotics some military rich egg prototype
    2. Rich goes out to dinner with his ‘friend with benefits’ (let’s call her Melissa (Mel) talks about work and his dreams
    3. Rich talks to Judd about doing a Kickstarter for Lunar X-Prize, Judd has to be convinced
    4. Rich sets up the Kickstarter leave no stone unturned"
    5. Waiting for the Kickstarter to see if it succeeds
    6. Success, and now panic, how are they going to do this? Judd calm Rich worries
    7. Rich tries to find a launch platform
    8. Judd phones him up saying he has a platform
    9. family connection gets launch platform for Judd, then rival team contacts him and makes him an offer, fame fortune, attractive girl etc.
    10. Rich finds out that Judd has defected to a rival X-Prize group he’s devastated they talk
    11. Rich goes out with Mel, talk, Mel says Rich decides to launch his own anyway, without Judd’s help Bouncy Ball
    12. Rich finds a former Russian weapon launcher that will work for cheap they make jokes he thinks oh no Russian mob but not really.
    13. Hard date for launch, urgently phone call Judd saying I’m sorry but I’m a winner , Rich lame comeback is that if Rich fails then Rich company fails and Judd’s shares are worthless.
    14. Both Rich and Judd’s efforts launch and land on the moon
    15. Judd’s works, Rich’s robot appears to not work, but when he is packing everything up he finds a signal but came in second.

    Views: 7567

    I’m doing NaNoWriMo!

    Post #: 217
    Post type: Blog post
    Date: 2013-11-04 15:39:06.000
    Author: Jeremy Reimer
    Tags: Writing, Science Fiction

    After finishing my third novel in my trilogy (it’s still in editing) and starting the planning for a series of short stories, I wasn’t sure if National Novel Writing Month was a good idea. I had lots of projects on the go, and what could I possibly do in a month?

    Then I remembered my short story The Stalker, which came out of my love for professional Starcraft. It had a lot of downloads in October, and for the first time even beat out my science fiction short story Starfarer. I had always told myself that if The Stalker did well enough I would make a full-length novel out of it.

    Well, this was my chance!

    The novel is called The Last Bonjwa and after three days, I’ve written 5,000 words, on pace for the goal of 50,000 by the end of November. I’m already really excited about this story because the faster pace of writing is showing up in the text itself. In just those first 5k words, our hero has won a tournament, gotten blackmailed, lost his best friend, got kidnapped, been interrogated by shady government people, had his apartment broken into, and was chased off a train by a tall stranger in a dark overcoat.

    I have no idea how I’m going to tie everything together but I’m having a blast trying. The novel is also kind of a love letter to the professional Starcraft scene and Korea itself.

    Look for it in time for the holidays along with Beyond the Expanse!


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