Apologies for the late podcast update! In this episode we talk about artificial intelligence, both specific and general.
Will this lead to Skynet? WHO KNOWS! But if it does, I’d like to welcome our new robot overlords!
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Views: 7981
We’re back at the wedge-shaped Starbucks to talk about my upcoming article on the Video Toaster, the history of computer marketshare, talk about some interesting books, and generally bask in the Vancouver sunshine.
- Total Share
- From Altair to iPad
- Personal MBA
- Economix
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Views: 8660
We’re merging the video and audio versions, so the number scheme is going back to the old numbering.
And no, we weren’t hit with a nuclear explosion! The background is super bright and we are super dark because of... reasons. Mostly because we are still learning about lighting. But we still have some stuff to talk about.
Links from the show:
* Duke Fightmaster
* Powerball Lottery
* Wealth inequality
* Billion here, a billion there
* Show of the week - The Expanse
* Book of the week - Barsk: The Elephant’s Graveyard
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Knotty-geeks-episode-44.mp3" width="290" height="24" />
Direct link to the .mp3 audio
Views: 7937
Happy New Year! Here's another exciting VIDEO episode of Knotty Geeks!
In this episode, we explore the INSIDE of a Starbucks, as we discuss Microsoft's peculiar position with Windows 10. Starting with a story of how Windows 10 ruined one woman's Christmas, we go back to look at why Microsoft made such drastic changes with Windows 8 in the first place, and how that affected the company's decisions going forward.
Views: 9045
Yes, the vlogging we talked about in such wistful, hopeful terms in the last podcast has actually come to pass! It’s a Christmas miracle!
Join Terry and I in a very special Video Episode #0 of Knotty Geeks!
<iframe width="460" height="265" src=" https://www.youtube.com/embed/qgM-JPd8Mu4" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
Show notes:
- Forever TV show
- Castles of Steel book
Views: 7913
Is Knotty Geeks going to video? We talk about way the show could become a vlog, how you can use Blender to edit video, and what the new YouTube Red service could mean for vlogs in general.
- Knotty Geeks going to vlogs?
- Starcraft II Legacy of the Void discussion
- Blender has video editing!
- YouTube launches YouTube Red subscriptions
- Google tailors web search results to your IP address
- New Compass card is kind of available
- New TV shows: Blind Sight, Mr. Robot, Quantico
* Blender Video Editing
* Blender Beginner Tutorial
* Simple Video Editing with Blender
* 4k vlogging camera
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Views: 7712
We have a special treat on this episode of Knotty Geeks: an exclusive interview with British science-fiction writer Stephen Palmer, author of Beautiful Intelligence, an action-packed yet thought-provoking novel about the emergence of AI.
Terry and I talk to Stephen about how he got started in writing, how he views artificial intelligence and how it might develop, and we even get into the acceleration of technology and genetic engineering!
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Views: 8245
In this episode, we talk about an obscure book by Stanislaw Lem, the end of the Panorama Amiga Computer Club, and the possibility that the Berenstain Bears are proof of the existence of parallel universes.
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The Book No One Read: http://nautil.us/issue/17/big-bangs/the-book-no-one-read
Sci fi podcast Sword and Laser: "LEMming" http://swordandlaser.com
The end of the Panorama Amiga club: http://www.hk-soft.net/panorama/
Berenstain Bears parallel universe: http://www.avclub.com/article/how-you-spell-berenstain-bears-could-be-proof-para-223615
The Gods Must be Crazy old theatre: http://thetyee.ca/Entertainment/2005/04/04/ThisOldMovieHouse/
Google is Two Billion Lines of Code: http://www.wired.com/2015/09/google-2-billion-lines-codeand-one-place/
Did You Know YouTube videos: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YmwwrGV_aiE
Computers are breeding humans: http://duncantrussell.com/forum/discussion/14655/computers-are-starting-to-breed-humansno-really/p1
Erin McKean Kickstarter to add a million words to the dictionary: https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/1574790974/lets-add-a-million-missing-words-to-the-dictionary
Views: 8063
In this episode, we talk about the fallout from the recent Hugo Awards, and the ramifications of the Sad and Rabid Puppy campaigns. We also review one of the recent Hugo winners, the excellent novel "The Three Body Problem."
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Direct link to podcast
Notes from the show:
The Three Body Problem:
Views: 9272
In this episode, we review three great science fiction books, we talk about the upcoming improvements in Intel’s Skylake CPUs, and we discuss the strangely absent Cultural Apocalypse.
Notes from the show:
Beautiful Intelligence book:
Gene Mapper book:
Gene inserting tool: CRISPR
Do we live in a simulation?
Reality Hack
Discussion of the Creative Apocalypse:
Background art:
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Direct link to podcast
Views: 7684
I'm a writer and programmer. I write science fiction stories and novels.
I am the writer for the upcoming documentary series Arcade Dreams.
I also write technology articles for Ars Technica.
I'm the creator of newLISP on Rockets, a web development framework and blog application.